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Photography Credits

We do not organise official photographers but we are lucky to have a number of excellent amature and professional photographers attend matches. Photographs are available to purchase on their websites.

Please seek written permission from the photographers before copying/using any photographs for personal or commercial purposes.

Please always credit photographers.

If you want any photographs of yourself removed from galleries, please contact the photographers directly.

Photography Policy

We recognise that it is impossible to monitor people using their mobile devices for taking photographs in public spaces.

Please note that a video camera is stationed at the finish line and this is solely for the purpose of producing accurate results in the event of a query. The images captured will not be available to anyone other than the results team.

If you do not want your image to appear as a significant part of any photograph on the web or in the press, you should put a large thick red cross across your race number. Our photographers will make every effort to exclude you from any published photographs.

If you are under 18, please ensure that your parent/carer is happy for photos taken of you at a race, to be published online. If you or your parent/carer do NOT wish photos to be used online, please ensure that there is a large thick cross on your race number. Red markers will be provided at Race HQ for this purpose.

If you find a photograph on the web taken by one of the photographers who cover various meetings, you have the right to ask them to remove it.

Last updated May 2024