Chiltern League XC logo

All the information you need

Hosting a Match


The league relies on volunteers and member clubs to host matches. Please get in touch if your club is able to host or assist in hosting. The following information provides an overview of what is required from host clubs.

What is required

  • A Cross Country Event Licensing Permit needs to be applied for through UK Athletics.
    The form will ask for information about the proposed event, each race listed eg. U15 Girls or Senior Men, the approximate distances, a risk assessment, and other details such as name of Referee and their licence number. (A referee should be a “level 4 endurance” as we have fields of over 200).
  • The routes can be multi-lap but please consider marshalling and lapping issues and the timetable when designing the routes. The timetable can be adjusted to suit a course, with permission of the league committee.
  • Distances quoted are for guidance, but with the maximum also shown.
  • There should be parking available for approximately 800 cars in the vicinity of the event, and this can be private or public car parks.
  • Sufficient toilets should be available for both athletes and spectators.
  • The course/routes should be well marked and marshalled.
  • Qualified Officials need to be provided. These should be a Referee, a starter, and sufficient judges, including if possible women for female races.
  • The results and personnel to produce the results will be provided by the League.
  • The League will give advice as required, using its previous experience.
  • The League will compensate the host club for all its agreed expenditure.
  • Details of the fixture including routes, parking and any other relevant information is to be sent to the league Secretary at least two weeks before the fixture and will be published on the website.