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The Chiltern Cross Country League Privacy Statement

The Chiltern Cross Country League is committed to respecting your privacy. For any personal data that you provide for the purposes of your Club’s Chiltern League membership administration, the data controller (Chiltern Cross Country League) is responsible for storing and otherwise processing that data in a fair, lawful secure and transparent way.

From time to time you may give us personal information such as names, gender, date of birth, email address and the name of the athletic club with which you are registered. We need this data to be able to administer your ability to compete in the league.

Our lawful basis for processing your personal data is that we have a contractual obligation to you as a League Club member to provide the services that you are registering for.

The Chiltern Cross Country league has a social media page in Facebook and all members are free to join this page, subject to the approval of the administrator. Facebook has its own policies including a privacy policy and the League does not accept responsibility or liability for these policies.

The Chiltern Cross Country League does not and will not supply any personal data it holds to any third party, other than for the compilation of race results.

We will hold your personal data on file until you ask us to delete your details. This can be done in writing to the current League Secretary. We will never pass your data to a third party for marketing or research purposes.

Last updated September 2018